Swedish Bear Dog Club is a breed club that works to improve and maintain the Karelian Bear Dog forward.
The club's first minuted meeting was held on 6 October 1972 i Göteborg. It was renamed Bear Dog Ring. At the first meeting attended Erik Linder, Klevmarken, And. Berit and Thomas Johansson, Sävedalen and Elf and Roland Porse. Among the other promoters of the formation of the club include Roland Jonsson, Wilhelmina and Margaret Linder, Klevmarken, And. The business was largely in the central and southern parts.
1973 formed Swedish Bear Dog Club who was active in the north of Sweden. These two associations merged to form North and South Bear Dog Club, with was its board. The focus and objective was not entirely similar in the two clubs. To get a more active club with the same focus and goals required a reorganization of the club. 1987 the time was ripe to form a nationwide club.
The club came to consist of a national organization, and seven local branches, the club is still working in accordance with the guidelines adopted when. Sedan den 1 January 2005 the club is directly connected to the Swedish Elkhound Club.
Under existing statutes, is the club's purpose is to promote the preservation and development of the Karelian bear dog to a healthy and good hunting dog. And, through appropriate outreach activities to spread knowledge of Karelian Bear Dog and its use. The club realizes its purpose by in collaboration with the Swedish Elkhound Club give instructions in breeding questions, participate in the Swedish Elkhound Club organized field trial, tracking test, exhibitions etc.
Historical pictures
When you look at these pictures you can see that the race is not changed much, simultaneously to get an explanation for it even today are born with dogs ” color defects ” and bobtail.
Many of the era's dogs would do just fine at an exhibition today. Most images are taken from the Gulf Lace Dog Club 20 – Yearbook dealing with the years 1938 – 1958.
Click on the images to see the description and text to them.